Day 9 - 9/6/2017 (Friday) ☀
We went sightseeing in Taroko 遊覽太魯閣國家公園

早上吃過民宿為我們精心準備的豐盛早餐後,我們整裝待發出發踩單車到太魯閣國家公園 (Taroko National Park)。雖然踩上太魯閣國家公園的路段非常的長和傾斜,可是經過連日來的鍛練,其中不單只是身體變得更加強壯,還有隊員們從踩超長距路程單車所鍛練回來的耐力和毅力,使我們成功克服這一段路。我們更於東西横貫公路牌坊拍照,留下我們克服一個又一個難關的足跡。
Our day began with a hearty breakfast provided by our hosts and the B&B. After a short briefing and warm up we began our journey cycling to the Shakadang trail(砂卡礑步道) at the Taroko National Park(太魯閣國家公園).On arrival we left our bicycles behind and took the Taroko shuttle bus to our first destination, Buluowan(太魯閣布洛灣).
今天我們到了太魯閣國家公園 (Taroko Gorge National Park),為的是前往最令人讚嘆以及極為險要的燕子口 (Swallow Grotto),可惜燕子口的步道因近日連番的暴雨而封閉。因此,我們乘坐公園內的穿梭巴士到其他旅遊景點,尋找另一番美景。其中的景點天祥 (Tienhsiang) 給予我們意想不到的收獲,那兒有一座佛寺,寺中的金身佛像,加上身後壯麗的高山低谷,氣勢十分磅礡,令人肅然起敬。
Buluowan(太魯閣布洛灣) offered a viewing platform over Taroko Gorge(太魯閣) and also an aboriginal cultural centre. From the lookout platform we had spectacular views over the river and steep mountain landscape of Taroko Gorge. The aboriginal cultural centre introduced the culture of the Truku people of Taroko Gorge. We were able to learn about their traditional way of life: rituals, religion, songs, musical instruments and dance steps.
Unfortunately the trail to Swallow Grotto(燕子口) was closed due to construction so we carried on on our way to Tienshiang(天祥).