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Day 8 - 8/6/2017 (Thursday) ?
Lessons of perseverance and endurance
生涯規劃課程 - 堅毅和耐力
環台單車挑戰的第八天,我們的旅程沿途經過鯉魚潭 (Liyu Lake)、慕谷慕魚 (Mukumugi),河山景色秀麗,但由於路上有很多上下坡路段,對同學的堅毅和耐力亦有考驗。
In the morning we saw stunning scenery as we cycled through the Mukumugi (慕谷慕魚) and Liyu Lake (鯉魚潭). Later in the day however we were faced with many uphill and downhill sections which really tested our perseverance and endurance to complete.
▼ We enjoyed a traditional Truku lunch 享用太魯閣族人的特色午餐
After having lunch which prepared by Truku (太魯閣族人), we then had a short cultural exchange with the Truku people.
▼ At Chisingtan Scenic Area 在七星潭風景區
最後,七星潭 (Chishingtan Scenic Area) 優美的落日為今天的漫長旅程拉下美滿的落幕。
We finally ended the day at Chishingtan Scenic Area (七星潭), having a really inspiring chat with Mr. Liew, along with the amazing and incredible sea view.