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Day 11 - 11/6/2017 (Sunday) ☀

▼ Our last cycling day in Taiwan 環台單車挑戰的最後一站 (At Fuji Yugang 在富基漁港) ▼


Finally it came to the last cycling day, we could hardly describe our feelings. The only thing we could do was to cherish the moments we have.


This year was more challenging with much longer distances, more thrilling trails and unpredictable weather. It was friend's accompany and family's support which make this happened. They gave us strength and motivation to reach our destination and complete our ultimate goal.

我們從基隆市 (Keelung) 出發,一直騎到富基漁港 (Fuji Yugang),到達台灣最北點 - 富貴角燈塔 (Fugueijiao Lighthouse)。

Our final cycling route was from Keelung (基隆市), through Fuji Yugang (富基漁港) to the northern point Fugueijiao Lighthouse (富貴角燈塔).

Thanks everyone for giving us the strength and motivation 感謝一路上每一位的支持和鼓勵
▼ (At Laomei Green Reef 在老梅綠石槽) ▼

Goodbye coach, thank you ! 教練,再見了!十分感謝你!

基隆 至 台北
Keelung to Taipei