?? ? | 26/5/2017 | 10:00 – 18:00
In the two-day training, it was weary yet exhausted for us to accomplish various challenges and tasks. ?However, with the belief of unity, everyone of us strived our very best to take those challenges for the sake of getting well-equipped for our journey to Taiwan.?
We are glad to have the participant of 2016 BC5 ???invited to join our training together that his sharing inspired us a lot. Not only did he share his precious experience?, but also his kind reminders to all of us?. From generation to generation, we wish we can pass on our notion of unity?.
Route 1: Yat Tung Estate → Pak Mong Village → Tat Tung Estate
路線1: 由逸東邨至白芒村來回1次
Total Distance 總長度 : 11.8km

(★=Easiest 易 ; ★★★=Hardest 難)
SCENERY 風景: ★★☆
(★=Normal 一般 ; ★★★=Paradise 天堂)
(★=Easiest 易 ; ★★★=Hardest 難)
SCENERY 風景: ★★★
(★=Normal 一般 ; ★★★=Paradise 天堂)
Route 2: Yat Tung Estate → Aircraft Maintenance Area → Wai Tung Road
路線2: 由逸東邨經機場維修區至惠東路
Total Distance 總長度 : 14.7km

Route 3: Wai Tung Road → Man Tung Road → Ying Hei Road → Tung Chung Waterfront Road
路線3: 由惠東路,經文東路及迎禧路,至海濱路8號
Total Distance 總長度 : 2.4km

(★=Easiest 易 ; ★★★=Hardest 難)
SCENERY 風景: ★★☆
(★=Normal 一般 ; ★★★=Paradise 天堂)
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