You can arrange for direct bank remittance or bank transfer into our account (below). After completing the bank remittance, you MUST upload the bank remittance proof and email us. Upon checking, we will acknowledge your payment and update your donation in the Donor List. Please follow the check-out procedures carefully and you should be alright. 閣下可選擇使用銀行直接匯款或銀行轉賬到我們的帳戶(如下)。 當銀行匯款手續完成後,閣下必須透過發送電子郵件並上傳其銀行匯款憑證給我們。經過檢查後,我們將會確認您的捐贈款項,並更新您的贊助於捐款名單 。請確定閣下已經按照手續進行及所有手續都正確。
OFFLINE PAYMENT (PREFERRED !) - Pay directly into our bank account Account Holder’s Name : Lee Chxx Txx & Chan Kxx Yxx Bank’s Name: HANG SENG BANK LTD Bank ACCOUNT: 310-081674-668
Once we have received your money and have confirmed it is you who have donated that sum, we will email you as a confirmation which also includes a receipt. Your name will be listed in the Sponsor List. 一旦收到閣下的捐贈款項及確認捐款人後,我們會向閣下發送電子郵件作為確認,並附上一張收據。閣下的名字亦會在贊助列表中列出。