New Challenge and New Challengers !!!
“2018 環台單車挑戰” “6th Tour de Hong Kong and Taiwan 2018″
Date: 2nd – 9th July 2018
We need your support! Click the link for more information!
我們需要你的支持! 請按連結獲取我們更多的資訊!

This activity, supported by the Division of Business, Community College of City University, Hong Kong, is a students led and managed adventure served to enrich quality campus life and enable whole person development.
本次活動,經香港城市大學專上學院 商學部支持,是一個學生領導和組織的課外探索,志在提高豐富校園生活質素,使學生得到全人發展的機會。

Project Overview 計劃概覽
The CCCU 5th Tour de Taiwan 2017 has finally come to an end! In order to make this happen, challengers have already started the preparation work since January. We had finished 446.4 km distance ride and had also overcome different challenges!!!
為期14日的第五屆環台單車挑戰將於6月14日完滿結束 ! 而籌備工作團員們早已在1月開始,除了446.4公里的環台單車,團員們還克服了各式各樣的挑戰 !